Well, the pee test is done for this time..thankfully. Now we wait for the results. We go back to Pittsburgh in about 2 weeks and hopefully everyhting comes back just fine..always nervewracking waiting to see those results. Guess there is no sense in worrying though, sure isn't going to help anything.
WE ordered a new digital camera today, well actually, John ordered it while I was at work..has a digital zoom of 12 and 7.1 megapixels..am anxious to get it and hope its as easy to use as the one of Jeff's that I've been using. Guess we'll find out.
This blog is about the happenings in my life and those around me. It will contain information about fitness, health, web sites I enjoy, Relay for Life and other things of interest and importance to me. Please feel free to leave me a note in the guestbook or a comment on the page you are reading.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
For sale

Hazel's house is up for sale. John and I sure hate to see her selling it, she has been the most wonderful neighbor and we'll miss her when she leaves. For her sake though, we do understand and hope that it all goes well for her and that she finds a buyer soon.
We have seen numerous people stop and take flyers so hopefully something good will come of it before to long. I know that she was anxious to be settled before winter and its beginning to look like that may not happen. We of course are also selfish enough to hope that if we have to lose her we at least get someone as nice as she is, and someone that is going to take extremely good care of the house.
And at least we can always email...right Hazel??
Sunday, August 27, 2006
A Great Day

My sister, what can I ever say about her? I called her and "suggested" she go dig me up plants from my brothers, and bring them and my mom up to visit..Well, she did just that. This picture is of her and I up planting them by the big pond. The other picture is of my mom and my sis in law sitting on the porch. They brought Vicki along for a real nice surprise, sure enjoyed the day.
And it gets even better because they also brought me up Jeff's old digital camera to use and we sure had fun getting pictures of everyone.
A wonderful day for being a rainy one all day long.
The Female Mind.
I really do wonder about us sometimes. I know that JOhn thinks I'm nuts most of the time, and this morning I have to agree with him. Remember reading my post about the Betta Project? that was the project with the vases, fish, and plants..well, last night I managed to kill "Blue" the blue betta. I think I suffocated him. I was topping off the water in the vases for them and never gave it a thought and put the water all the way up to the bottom of the plastic cup..I think no air could get in..and later when I was out here, he sat on my credenza, he was dead...really do think if I had been on the computer soon I could have saved him. Here's the part that makes me think I may be a tad nuts...I really debated about running to walmart late last night, around 11 for a new fish for this vase...finally talked myself out of it, but went first thing this morning..Now have a new purple reddish one in that vase.. They didn't have another blue one and I didn't want to wait.
What makes this all even worse is that today is the first day of my two day pee test, otherwise known as the pee a thon. This does not make anything easy. I have to take a jar with me in case...cannot miss one time or have to do the whole entire darn test over..Am not allowed coffee, tea or a bunch of different foods, so I'm up and going on nothing..well, a sip of coffee..(I cheat once in a while) but just a sip..and to make that worse I couldn't sleep and was up before 6 this morning.
My mom and Cher are supposed to be coming up today and I am really looking forward to that..will be so nice to have a bit of time to visit without the guys.
What makes this all even worse is that today is the first day of my two day pee test, otherwise known as the pee a thon. This does not make anything easy. I have to take a jar with me in case...cannot miss one time or have to do the whole entire darn test over..Am not allowed coffee, tea or a bunch of different foods, so I'm up and going on nothing..well, a sip of coffee..(I cheat once in a while) but just a sip..and to make that worse I couldn't sleep and was up before 6 this morning.
My mom and Cher are supposed to be coming up today and I am really looking forward to that..will be so nice to have a bit of time to visit without the guys.
Friday, August 25, 2006
1/2 cup
This diet for this test is a real pain, yesterday I ate a banana on my cereal, then read the paperwork and realised I'm not allowed bananas, apples, tea, citrus, chocolate, vanilla, gelatin, and the list goes on..of course the worst is NO COFFEE! For the three days preceeding the test and the two days of the test..are they nuts? I am doing like last time and have a half cup sitting here. Yesterday I think I did about 6 half cups throughout the day, washed down with plenty of water.
I don't want to goof up these results but I cannot make it through 5 days without coffee, even in the hospital they allowed me two cups..so am giving up everything else, but sticking with a couple half cups..
I don't want to goof up these results but I cannot make it through 5 days without coffee, even in the hospital they allowed me two cups..so am giving up everything else, but sticking with a couple half cups..
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Two years
Well, Happy Anniversary to us. Two years ago today we were married in the Pocono's. Going back sometime too. We both loved it there and had a great time. John bought us some perenials today and some different grasses and we got the grasss planted up by the big pond, and the perennials in the flower bed between the drives. I took some pics so as soon as they are developed I'll post them
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Resister at hopsital..
Well, this was fun..not. I had to go register for the two day pee test, which is coming up this weekend..has to be done every 6 months to ensure that darn pheo hasn't come back. anyways, got there this morning to register and the lady was having quite a time with the slip from the doctor..she couldn't read it and I offered to read it for her, having done this a few times i know what the test is for..she used the codes above the handwritten cause she couldn't read it and did the registration forms to test for diabetes..when I told her that wasn't what it was for, she had to go ask at the lab and finally just used the computerto find my last test, 6 months ago.
Then I got down to the lab to pick up the jugs and they told me I don't have to register before the test I have to register when I bring the jugs back, both days..last time thy had me register when I picked them up. So they cancelled the registrattion that lady had just done. What fun, all this and the tests haven't even started yet.
And now no coffee, tea, chocolate among other things for the next 5 days. YUck, like thats going to happen. I will be careful, but will have a coffee now and then..
Then I got down to the lab to pick up the jugs and they told me I don't have to register before the test I have to register when I bring the jugs back, both days..last time thy had me register when I picked them up. So they cancelled the registrattion that lady had just done. What fun, all this and the tests haven't even started yet.
And now no coffee, tea, chocolate among other things for the next 5 days. YUck, like thats going to happen. I will be careful, but will have a coffee now and then..
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
A real walk and green tea

Strapped on the cd player and went for a real walk this morning. First time in a while, it was to hot and humid a few weeks ago and then this past week I was working long hours. Felt good to get out there and see the changes coming..its starting to look and feel like fall. A chilly 59 this morning, but a beautiful day. I walked 30 minutes and went a mile and a half. Met two elderly people down walking on the track at the school.
There is a new house, modular, going in on the corner of Plum St. They were working on that and its the first I've seen it. Noticed coming home that our grass is so much greener than the neighbors on both sides..it must be due to the fertilizer John put down. It looks very rich and green.
It's my sisters birthday, her 49th..God, what a pest she was when she was young..and boy do I wish she was closer now to be a pest again! This picture was from last year when we were all in Vegas with the kids..its a favorite of mine.
I'm still trying harder to do things that are more healthy for me, I seem to be on this kick since being so sick last summer. I've decided I need green tea in my life so am drinking a cup now. it seems to have an awful lot of health benefits, so need to research this a bit and keep drinking it. Gotta go get ready for work..
Sunday, August 20, 2006
I stopped at Lowe's after work this week and bought a bunch of perennials for the flower bed between the two driveways. John worked on enlarging in while he was off so it was all ready for new flowers. Got them planted today, and ended up moving the garden arch 3 times before I was happy with it. It's back where it was in the first place.
I am already planning out next years flowers and things that i will do differently..for example, the front of the house is going to be marigolds and geraniums. They are both doing great out there. The marigolds got planted late and the geraniums are in pots so next year they will be in with the shrubs. Possibly marigolds also under the little tree. The impatiens didn't do so well there, but think they would have been fine if I had watered them more and fed them once in a while. Time got away from me this year..
WE had a buck in the back yard this afternoon, right in the weeds at the edge of the yard. i didn't see it, but John saw it when he came outside. I was working in the flower bed and he tried to get my attention but it was to late. He says it was a nice one and in velvet he believes. Hope it sticks around and hope to see it. Do wonder if its the deer that was at my bird feeders earlier this year.
I am already planning out next years flowers and things that i will do differently..for example, the front of the house is going to be marigolds and geraniums. They are both doing great out there. The marigolds got planted late and the geraniums are in pots so next year they will be in with the shrubs. Possibly marigolds also under the little tree. The impatiens didn't do so well there, but think they would have been fine if I had watered them more and fed them once in a while. Time got away from me this year..
WE had a buck in the back yard this afternoon, right in the weeds at the edge of the yard. i didn't see it, but John saw it when he came outside. I was working in the flower bed and he tried to get my attention but it was to late. He says it was a nice one and in velvet he believes. Hope it sticks around and hope to see it. Do wonder if its the deer that was at my bird feeders earlier this year.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Been a while.
I haven't posted in a while. Too much going on and seems like no time lately. I always seem to be in a hurry and there are so many things I want done before fall gets here. This week doesn't hlep much, our owners did direct mailings for a really big special happening at the store and we are all working from open to close for 4 days. Right in the middle of the summer and the weather is gorgeous and we are stuck there.
I went and bought two more goldfish for the right side of the ponds. Only had two in there, my big black and white and one gold fat one. I bought a new white and orange one and a black and gold shubunkin. Wednesday while cleaning them and changing the filters I saw a fish in there I had never seen before, he's kind of silvery gray and I'm thinking must have been a baby born in there that survived. He's quite big for me never having seen him before.
I am starting again to wonder if they will make it through the winter, although they all survived last year. I have 5 in the left pond and now 5 in the right also. I think I am going to order a pond de-icer this year to keep a hole in the top of it. From what I've been reading you should do this to let gas escape.
The fish in the big pond now come up to eat when we feed them and its like a feeding frenzy up there. The pond is really low, we haven't had any rain in an awful long time, probably since my son was home..we should maybe have him come back for another week..he always brings the rain..
I went and bought two more goldfish for the right side of the ponds. Only had two in there, my big black and white and one gold fat one. I bought a new white and orange one and a black and gold shubunkin. Wednesday while cleaning them and changing the filters I saw a fish in there I had never seen before, he's kind of silvery gray and I'm thinking must have been a baby born in there that survived. He's quite big for me never having seen him before.
I am starting again to wonder if they will make it through the winter, although they all survived last year. I have 5 in the left pond and now 5 in the right also. I think I am going to order a pond de-icer this year to keep a hole in the top of it. From what I've been reading you should do this to let gas escape.
The fish in the big pond now come up to eat when we feed them and its like a feeding frenzy up there. The pond is really low, we haven't had any rain in an awful long time, probably since my son was home..we should maybe have him come back for another week..he always brings the rain..
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Indigo Bunting

Hey everyone..man am I excited. We had an indigo bunting in our vegetable garden this morning. A few other birds there also, so am wondering if we had a female also, but I couldn't tell. John had weeded the garden yesterday so were figuring he was after the bugs and seeds.
it figures that after I walked up to feed the fish in the big pond, the Indigo came down to the little ponds and sat on the rocks. The picture is from enature. One of the sites I use to log the animals and birds in our yard
Saturday, August 12, 2006
This eliptical is a killer. I read on sparkpeople where one of the girls can do 12 miles in 90 minutes..I can't even get a mile in a half hour. I did manage to do .347 miles in 15 minutes and 13 seconds on resistance 6. Thats the pitts and gave me a new goal. I want to get to one mile in 15 minutes, but on resistance 5. should give me something to work towards.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Betta Project

Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Neat things..
Finally, for some reason the fish up in the big pond have decided they will now come out and eat when I feed them. It's pretty neat to go through a handfull of food in and see all of the gold, silver and white fish come from what seeems like nowhere.
Yesterday at work I was working with two women from 11 to after 5. They did finally end up buying the entire living room which was a good thing after all that..LOL, but another benefit was that I ended up skipping lunch and this morning had finally gotten down to 111. YIPPEE!
Yesterday at work I was working with two women from 11 to after 5. They did finally end up buying the entire living room which was a good thing after all that..LOL, but another benefit was that I ended up skipping lunch and this morning had finally gotten down to 111. YIPPEE!
Friday, August 04, 2006
Michelle and Bo's Fifth

Happy Anniversary to Michelle and Bo! Five years ago today they were married at the Country Club and this picture was taken. I am so proud of these kids. My daughter, her husband and my son are all now living in Vegas and doing well. I miss thembut am so very happy for them all. I'm not to sure that Bo remembers most of the reception and sure wish I had the picture of him hugging that toilet bowl. I know Howie remembers that.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
An okay day
I had an okay day at work today. The morning was slow and quiet but then this afternoon it got better and I actually had a few sales and a be back. Was over an hour late getting home, guess there was a bad accident on the interstate and traffic was backed up so i decided to come home through town. Didn't help, think they had rerouted traffic and it took me an hour to get to DuBois. Think for the first time tomorrow I'm going to be in the hole with our commissions and draw paydays..last month was really slow with deliveries and I had missed a week and a half in June so didn't sell much then..darn it all. Did a rough estimate today and it doesn't look good.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Learned something new..
Okay, thats cool. I learned how to do that now, imagine I'll forget before I use it again, but may try to bring that deer in my backyard up closer..the picture of the deer I mean...
Play Day
Hunidity and 90's

A day off from work today and they are calling for high in the 90's and the humidity has been awful all week. Not complaining, winter will be here soon enough unfortunately.
Have some running around to do today, and am figuring on going up to town around 9 or so. Then can be home in the afternoon to do whatever.
The ponds are doing 100% better since buying the new filter. The one on the left with two filters is so clear that we can now see the fish all the way to the bottom. The one on the right is still a bit worse but much better than it was. I'm going to try cleaning the filters 3 days a week for a bit to see how much more it helps. Usually they get done on a day off, but am going to do them also now on Fridays. That way there isn't 4 days between them from Wed to Sunday and that should help alot. Had another water lily bloom yesterday. this picture is a favorite of mine. Deer eating the bird seed, this little bugger came all the way down the backyard one day.
Think I'm going to head outside and fill the feeders before it gets to hot, then can come and shower and get ready for the running around.
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