This blog is about the happenings in my life and those around me. It will contain information about fitness, health, web sites I enjoy, Relay for Life and other things of interest and importance to me. Please feel free to leave me a note in the guestbook or a comment on the page you are reading.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Woo Hoo, I did it. I passed that damn test first time. Not by a lot, but I did it. It was hairy, touch and go throughout the entire thing. Just wasn't sure until the grade came back. I celebrated with a few new purses from Macy's. LOl
Been a busy week since then, we had Relay for Life the day after, then this past weekend I worked and it was fathers day. I think I am still in shock that I did it and I am now a Certified Personal Trainer with ACE, American Council on Exercise. I am working on some things to do with it.
Thursday, June 05, 2014
I cannot believe tomorrow is here. How quickly these past months have just flown by. Tomorrow is the day I travel to Pittsburgh and take the test for CPT through Ace Fitness. I am a bit nervous. I know how much I have learned and how much I still have to learn. It is never ending. There are other classes I want to take, and yet this one has made me quite nuts a few times.
it has not been easy finding time to study along with running a business. I love my life however.
Been a while since I have updated anything here. Michelle and Allan are engaged that happened this past week while on a cruise to Alaska. I am so happy for her, he is good for her and the two of them together are awesome.
Relay for Life is this upcoming weekend. Saturday to Sunday, so I will be in Kersey, walking, walking, walking. Raising funds and awareness to help battle cancer.
Thursday, May 08, 2014
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Finished the half
We didn't finish in great time, my knee started in the second mile. I had been doctoring for my it band for about a month, but finish it we did. In about 3 hours, 38 minutes. We are going to continue to run. We all loved it and loved Utah. Beautiful country, the half was very well organized and we want to continue training and running. 
Michelle and Allan did great also, and they are already scheduled for their next half in Arizona.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Vegas and Utah
Cannot believe this day is finally here. We have been preparing for this and planning this for months and today is the day. Cheri and I leave shortly to fly to Vegas, to drive to Utah to go participate in a half marathon. The Zion Half. I cannot believe we let Michelle talk us into this. The Zion Half is Saturday, we will drive out to Utah on Friday, we are both just so excited about this and so is Michelle and Allan. We will get to see where she is living. And of course, we love Vegas.
I am nervous about the half, knee has been bothering me and I have been treating for it, so hope all is okay. going to do the best I can and that's all I can do.
Pictures sure to follow.
Tuesday, March 04, 2014
Friday, February 28, 2014
Running/walking a half marathon with Michelle, Allan and Cheri in Utah March 22.
ACE CPT exam is scheduled for Friday, June 6, going to need help, prayers and time for that.
“Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped away into the next room.
I am I and you are you. Whatever we were to each other, that we are - still. Call me by my old familiar name. Speak to me in the easy way you always used. Put no difference into your tone, wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we always enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me - pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without effort, without the ghost of a shadow in it. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was - there is absolute unbroken continuity. What is death but a negligible accident? Why should I be out of mind? Because I am out of sight? I am waiting for you for an interval, somewhere very near - just around the corner. All is well. Nothing is past; nothing is lost. One brief moment and all will be as it was before. How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again.”
Canon Henry Scott-Holland, 1847-1918, Canon of St Paul's Cathedral
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