Sunday, September 25, 2011

Odds and ends

The business is going extremely well and keeping me very satisfied and busy. I am hiring two new staff members that are starting on Tuesday. I have completed my Curves Complete Certification and now coach and teach the new Curves Complete Weight Management Plan. that was fun to learn but time consuming.

I am also still teaching the Curves Circuit with Zumba Fitness and thanks to a facebook friend I recently learned to edit and create my own music with the zumba cues in it. That was a 5 hour long ordeal and quite an accomplishment.

I am still maintaining my weight but still have a few more pounds I want to lose. Yesterday sure didn't help. I am not allowed out in the sun, need to rest and think I layed around and ate most of the day. Back on track here today though.

What a week

This past week sure was a rough one, guess actually though its been the past two weeks. things are fuzzy in my brain which is part of the problem and has been for a while. this past week I was diagnosed with both lymes disease and mono. No wonder I have been feeling like crap for so long. It's been rough trying to run a business when I feel like I have been run over by a bus. I have been so out of breath that i haven't even been doing a full circuit, just to walk to the big pond has me huffing and puffing. My bones ache everywhere and my legs are to weak to hold me up for long. However, this week we got the test results back and know what is going on and now are treating it and on the road back to good health. Thank God!

We lost a lot of fish in our ponds. Not sure what got them, but something did. All of the big koi and the fancy butterflies are missing in the gardenpond. That was heartbreaking and alot of the fish in the big pond are gone too. However, at first we thought they were all missing and we have since seen that we do still have some. They were hiding pretty good. We are thinking it was either a mink or raccoon that got in there.

We are having a beautiful fall right now, yesterday was gorgeous but I am not supposed to be outside in the sun. The meds I am on for lymes warn against it. Darn it all, seems I just can't win.