Feels like a long, long time since I have taken time to post anything here. Life has a way of getting me all off track lately. Too many things to do and not enough time to do them. Owning a business is keeping me extremely busy even when not working. It seems my mind is always there and there is always something that needs to be done. I love it though and it is really paying off. We have increased our membership and have about 180 members. It is really quite fun most of the time, although I must say having that many women can be quite taxing at times.
We hired my sister, Cheri a few months ago and that is working out quite well, gives me a bit more time out of there and the extra help somedays with both of us there is great. This week I will be at a health fair all day on Wed at Osram Sylvania, it runs from 6:30 to 4. I am not really looking forward to that at all. Hopefully though, we will get some exposure and possibly a new member or two. We are running a really great promotion right now that runs out the end of the month. They can join for a $30 enrollment fee right now which is pretty good pricing. I can offer that to the ladies at Osram.
This weekend was the convention in Atlantic City, really wish we could have went but with being in Texas in July it wasn't in the cards. Possibly next year.
Our incentives are going extremely well, so that is good. The ladies love the "shoe tokens" and being able to earn them and buy things.
All in all things are good right now. Make it a great day everyone. Hope to be back soon.