This blog is about the happenings in my life and those around me. It will contain information about fitness, health, web sites I enjoy, Relay for Life and other things of interest and importance to me. Please feel free to leave me a note in the guestbook or a comment on the page you are reading.
I am very hopeful that I may end up with the day off work. How great that would be. The boss called early this morning to see who was working what shift. She apparently didn't have a schedule at home with her. I am scheduled in at noon and she was calling off this morning two of the girls who live a distance away, she told me she would get back to me about me not going in later this morning. I would absolutely love to have the day off work! However, I am scheduled with the chiropractor before work, so I am going to call and cancel that appointment. I am not driving over there if I am not working. We are getting snow, snow and snow and supposed to be changing to an icy, wintery mix. I do hope its okay for my sister today though, she has to be on the roads and doesn't have much of a choice today. At least they do have 4 wheel drive.
I've changed some of the pictures on the bottom of the page. One summer and one winter. I want summer. Seems like a long way off right now.
We've got snow, lots and lots of snow and more snow still falling. I feel like a kid today. Remember what it felt like to have so much snow that school was cancelled or so much that they decided to close and send you home early? Well, unless your a teacher that is something that doesn't normally happen to us middle aged adults. However, it did today. I got to come home early. How cool is that! I actually punched out and left about 12:30. I've been home, changed, shoveled, ran to the little store for milk, ate lunch at home, had dinner, emptied the dishwasher, got the mail all before I would normally even have been out of work. Now, I'm on my way down for some quality time with my exercise equipment. Am really looking forward to that.
Oh! I found a new web site that you may enjoy looking at. As you know I am now seeing a chiropractor and one of the magazines in his office has a web site available. It is pretty interesting reading if you are interested in health and fitness. Check it out at www.toyourhealth.com