From news letter
A great obstacle to happiness is expecting too much happiness.- Bernard de Fontanelle, French writer
Understanding happiness---- Happiness is a state of mind, not a way of life or a destination that you'll reach one day. Bumps in the road of life are to be expected, and we cannot let them ruin our days. We often think that if a combination of factors would just fall into place THEN we would finally be happy. Satisfaction can only come from within, through truly accepting yourself, your life, and your circumstances. During this life you'll have many hard days--long work days, sleepless nights, worrying about the future, etc. This week, think about the joys of your life. Find creative ways to enjoy the little bumps in the road.
This blog is about the happenings in my life and those around me. It will contain information about fitness, health, web sites I enjoy, Relay for Life and other things of interest and importance to me. Please feel free to leave me a note in the guestbook or a comment on the page you are reading.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Baby Sister...LOL
I am soooo looking forward to this day. My baby sister, is coming up this afternoon after work. Or is that down I wonder? I think actually I am to the south, so probably down. Oh well, anyway, she is coming here to my house and we are spending the afternoon working out. What fun! I think I am going to start her off with WATP with weights, I know she has never done that before and would really love to see her do the step aerobics too. OH and don't forget turbo jam too..she is going to kill me! Maybe I better let her just do the easy stuff, like the treadmill and the bike, and she can work up to the other things. LOL
Thursday, January 17, 2008
First ever manicure

I had the day off work yesterday and late yesterday afternoon I decided to go have my first ever manicure. What fun! What a treat. They sure do spoil you a bit. First they have you soak both hands in a cuticle oil mixture, then they work one hand at a time taking off the polish, and soaking in between. Then they massage the hands and fingers one at a time. Next comes the cuticle pusher which pushes the cuticles back and makes them look all nice and smooth, then they even cut the cuticles where needed. Last but not least is another soak, wash hands and then comes the actual polish. i went with the french manicure, this is something I could not do by myself at home. Next time it may be something with a design but for now this is what I wanted. I have thought about doing this for a long time, but with gardening in spring and summer it seems a waste that time of year. I am anxious to see how well it wears and how long it lasts. They informed me that the french manicure is the longest lasting manicure so we'll see how it does. I hope it wears well enough that mom and Cher can see it on Sunday.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I wonder sometimes what makes me do the things I do? How can I expect anyone else to understand when I don't understand myself. I had given myself a goal. Hit one mile in 30 minutes twice on the eliptical and i would buy a new workout outfit in a pretty spring color. Simple right. I did it. It was hard and it took half the month to be able to accomplish it, no easy feat. heart rate was higher than ever and it felt great! Last night after work I went to almost every store that carries clothing in the city where I work. Nothng, I could not find one set that is what I wanted. Never mind the fact that i did find some on line that I loved, if I wanted to pay $99.00 for a pair of pants to sweat in..I don't. I left to come home, drove right past my house and went on to the next town to see what they have. Is there a reason I needed this immediately? Is there a reason I couldn't wait till a day when I was out shopping? Is there a reason I needed to do this at 7:00 at night after working all day? Who knows? What makes me do these things? I think I get it from my dad..he's a lot like that too. Sorry dad. I think I need to learn patience. Anyone have any ideas on how to do that?
This again was taken from an email I received this morning from I loved it and wanted to share it with you. I think we all need to be reminded sometimes to enjoy the journey instead of just the destination.
Enjoying the marathon Life is like a marathon. We run and run, not knowing where (or how far) the finish line lies. We focus so intensely on prolonging the race but sometimes--despite our best efforts--the race is cut short. Too often we don't relish the path of and enjoy the details instead of just pounding the pavement of life. What personal boundaries can you expand to help you enjoy your life? Today meditate on the simple joys: a warm bath, reading a book to a sleepy toddler, or spending quality time with your family and friends. All of life contains bumps in the road such as losing your job or an unforeseen illness. But it is up to us to determine the quality of our lives. Remember, we don't always determine the distance, but we can determine the path.
Enjoying the marathon Life is like a marathon. We run and run, not knowing where (or how far) the finish line lies. We focus so intensely on prolonging the race but sometimes--despite our best efforts--the race is cut short. Too often we don't relish the path of and enjoy the details instead of just pounding the pavement of life. What personal boundaries can you expand to help you enjoy your life? Today meditate on the simple joys: a warm bath, reading a book to a sleepy toddler, or spending quality time with your family and friends. All of life contains bumps in the road such as losing your job or an unforeseen illness. But it is up to us to determine the quality of our lives. Remember, we don't always determine the distance, but we can determine the path.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Bluebirds and eliptical
Wow, what a day this has been already this morning..first off let me say that I broke a goal this morning that I had set at the end of December. First time ever that I did one mile on the eliptical in 30 minutes on resistance 3. That is a real biggie cause my heart rate was up to 153, with an average of 143. Super great for me, and the goal was that if I did it twice in January I would buy a pretty new workout suit in a pretty spring color. Think I may look on line for that instead of just going to walmart. Still need to do it one more time before I get it though!! May even check Victoria's Secret for the hell of it.
Second piece of good news and this is just as hard for me to believe, we have bluebirds! YES! I came up from my workout to look out back and see birds by the birdhouse. Grabbed the binoclulars and yes, they are bluebirds, both the male and female are here and going in and out of the house closer to the ministers. Isn't it to early for them to be here? Is our weather really screwed up or what? Last year we had two pairs here early but only one pair nested here, so am praying for them both to stay.
What a great start to the day.
Second piece of good news and this is just as hard for me to believe, we have bluebirds! YES! I came up from my workout to look out back and see birds by the birdhouse. Grabbed the binoclulars and yes, they are bluebirds, both the male and female are here and going in and out of the house closer to the ministers. Isn't it to early for them to be here? Is our weather really screwed up or what? Last year we had two pairs here early but only one pair nested here, so am praying for them both to stay.
What a great start to the day.

I have been hearing alot about fasting lately. Brenda C. is doing a Daniel Fast. it is through her church and based on the book of Daniel. I may have to read it. The only thing she is allowed to eat or drink for 21 days is fruit, veggies and water. Yesterday at work, Sharan mentioned a two day fast she had read about. It is supposed to help clean you out and I guess that sure makes sense. It is also nothing but fruit, water and veggies but for only two days, which seems much more reasonalble to me. I am thinking for part of today I may try it. Am leaning towards fruit, water, veggies, coffee of course...and tonight a dinner. May allow myself my activia yogurt twice today along with it though. I have heard often of people doing these, but I myself have never tried it. Sharan is bringing in the magazine she has read it in. Supposed to list the top 20 things to do to improve your health over time and this was one of the items in it. She had asked me if I would want to try it with her, neither of us has ever done a fast although many of the girls at work have. I had told her I would be willing to give it a try, so am thinking a half try for today may be good. Will let you know how I do. Knowing how much I like to eat, especially on a day off, I cannot think this is going to be easy. I am also allowing myself green tea, and dinner tonight.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
A Great Day Off

Make it a great day everyone!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Author unknown
I read this on Sparkpeople this morning, thought it was wonderful and wanted to share it with you. Hope you enjoy it.
I am the New Year ...I am an unspoiled page in your book of time.I am your next chance at the art of living.I am your opportunity to practice what you have learned about life during the last twelve months.All that you sought and didn't find is hidden in me,waiting for you to search it out with more determination.All the good that you tried for and didn't achieve is mine to grant when you have fewer conflicting desires.All that you dreamed but didn't dare to do,all that you hoped but did not will,all the faith that you claimed but did not have -these slumber lightly,waiting to be awakened by the touch of a strong purpose.I am your opportunity to make all things new.I am the New Year! author unknown............
Make it a great day everyone! I'm going to, my sister and I are taking off for the Y to workout this afternoon. First time we've done that since I quit working there. Should be fun, hope the new equipment is there.
I am the New Year ...I am an unspoiled page in your book of time.I am your next chance at the art of living.I am your opportunity to practice what you have learned about life during the last twelve months.All that you sought and didn't find is hidden in me,waiting for you to search it out with more determination.All the good that you tried for and didn't achieve is mine to grant when you have fewer conflicting desires.All that you dreamed but didn't dare to do,all that you hoped but did not will,all the faith that you claimed but did not have -these slumber lightly,waiting to be awakened by the touch of a strong purpose.I am your opportunity to make all things new.I am the New Year! author unknown............
Make it a great day everyone! I'm going to, my sister and I are taking off for the Y to workout this afternoon. First time we've done that since I quit working there. Should be fun, hope the new equipment is there.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Shopping, shopping, shopping.

Thursday, January 03, 2008
Wednesday night at home
I never realised it till late last night, but the evening sure seemed strange. I hadn't ever seen any of the tv shows that were on last night. About 11 it hit me that it was my first Wednesday night at home in months. I had been working every Wednesday at the Y since August. I had of course thought about that during the day, we had been out running in Dubois, eye doctors, shopping etc. It was nice that I didn't have to go back over to work at 4 and I really got to enjoye the day and the time off.
However, by last night when I got thinking about it I realised how much I missed the people. I thought about Kathy, she would have come in about 5 and ran for about 8 miles on the tread before using some of the cybex machines. A pretty little thing, about my age, but a whole lot skinnier.
Then there would have been Jennifer, the blonde lady teacher. She is short and heavy and working out with Chris, he is a trainer. She is wonderful, laughs and smiles all the time and is very determined to lose the weight and get healthy.
Brian and Ed would have been in. they usually travel about the same time and use the cybex machines. Sheldyne and her hubby Bob, hadn't been in for a while before i left, so I didn't get to tell them goodbye. They were cute, she wears long dresses with shorts underneath to work out, and it consists of 5 miles on the bike and one on the treads without breaking a sweat. LOL
Tim needs to be mentioned here too, a very friendly man who always likes to talk. Ken is the same way and we spent a bit of time just chatting while they were working out. Ken reminds me of Paul the way he is built, all muscle. Then there is Ron, he was the first one there who introduced himself and we talked a bit often, he is married to kathy, the runner on the treads. Of course, I have to mention Norm, he is the 80 year old who asked me out to dinner, a wonderful man. He had just gotten back from a cruise. Told us he danced all night and I believe he did. he came frequently and worked out on the treads and bikes.
The new equipment should be there by now and I am wondering when Cher and I want to take off and go over for the day. Hopefully we will get the chance to do that soon. I hope that all the people there keep up with their exercise and have a wonderful new year. In the meantime I am enjoying being off and having my Wednesdays avaialable for eye appointments, hair cuts etc. Yesterday was new glasses, next week is my hair appointment and having the hair foiled again..some chunky streaks of color!
Enjoy the day everyone! Make it a good one!
However, by last night when I got thinking about it I realised how much I missed the people. I thought about Kathy, she would have come in about 5 and ran for about 8 miles on the tread before using some of the cybex machines. A pretty little thing, about my age, but a whole lot skinnier.
Then there would have been Jennifer, the blonde lady teacher. She is short and heavy and working out with Chris, he is a trainer. She is wonderful, laughs and smiles all the time and is very determined to lose the weight and get healthy.
Brian and Ed would have been in. they usually travel about the same time and use the cybex machines. Sheldyne and her hubby Bob, hadn't been in for a while before i left, so I didn't get to tell them goodbye. They were cute, she wears long dresses with shorts underneath to work out, and it consists of 5 miles on the bike and one on the treads without breaking a sweat. LOL
Tim needs to be mentioned here too, a very friendly man who always likes to talk. Ken is the same way and we spent a bit of time just chatting while they were working out. Ken reminds me of Paul the way he is built, all muscle. Then there is Ron, he was the first one there who introduced himself and we talked a bit often, he is married to kathy, the runner on the treads. Of course, I have to mention Norm, he is the 80 year old who asked me out to dinner, a wonderful man. He had just gotten back from a cruise. Told us he danced all night and I believe he did. he came frequently and worked out on the treads and bikes.
The new equipment should be there by now and I am wondering when Cher and I want to take off and go over for the day. Hopefully we will get the chance to do that soon. I hope that all the people there keep up with their exercise and have a wonderful new year. In the meantime I am enjoying being off and having my Wednesdays avaialable for eye appointments, hair cuts etc. Yesterday was new glasses, next week is my hair appointment and having the hair foiled again..some chunky streaks of color!
Enjoy the day everyone! Make it a good one!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Bender Ball
Hey! Forgot to share this with you all! I am so excited, ordered a new piece of exercise equipment and it is supposed to be here today. Check out the bender ball. Go to Http:// I hope it comes early today, with any luck it will be here when I get back from the eye doctors and i can try it out! YEAH
We've got snow
It looks like winter has arrived here in Pa. Does look pretty, at least the snow is all clean and white. Wouldn't it be great if it could snow everywhere except the roads. it is a day off work for me today and I am up so early. didn't sleep well, that seems to happen more and more often lately.
The people at work are all starting "diets" today, that should be interesting, they have decided we are not to eat any junk food etc. Some of them have joined a "Biggest Loser" contest that the Y in Brookville is doing. Guess they formed a team at the store or something. I'm off today so am sure to hear about it tomorrow when I go back in.
We are going to breakfast this morning before my eye appointment so I have decided not to have the tremendous twelve from Perkins for breakfast...grin, grin, will keep to a smaller plate today.
The people at work are all starting "diets" today, that should be interesting, they have decided we are not to eat any junk food etc. Some of them have joined a "Biggest Loser" contest that the Y in Brookville is doing. Guess they formed a team at the store or something. I'm off today so am sure to hear about it tomorrow when I go back in.
We are going to breakfast this morning before my eye appointment so I have decided not to have the tremendous twelve from Perkins for breakfast...grin, grin, will keep to a smaller plate today.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Hey everyone! Hope you all have a very happy, healthy, safe new year. I set my map on the bottom of this page back to zero. Going to walk across the US this year and see how long it takes me. You can join in from
Off to work today, yuck. have to work an hour longer than normal. some holiday huh?
Off to work today, yuck. have to work an hour longer than normal. some holiday huh?
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