Okay, I may be taking this further than I have in the past. Bought new decorations for the tree, did it, then took them off, bought other ones and redid it. Like it great now, the pic doesn't do it justice. For some odd reason I decided we needed a tree for downstairs, and Walmart had cute little four foot ones for a great price, so there is now one downstairs too. I'm sure to enjoy that when I am exercising..it has all my little Santas on it, and is actually quite cute...it is a favorite! Again, the pic doesn't do it justice, however I have now added to my Christmas wish list..we have that nice digital camera, but its quite large..I am adding a small one to my wish list..just for stuff like this. Couldn't sleep, have way to much I want done today. Went to bed about 12:30, up at 6 am and awake at least 3 times last night. Work at the Y today 10 to 2, and then home to maybe finish the decorating, housecleaning and maybe time to sit and read a magazine. I have enough of them here right now. We bought two health magazines and they come fairly often. They are piling up.