Mom, Cher and I are going Christmas shopping again today. Everything just seemed to fall into place for today and its nice when that happens. I have a hair appt this morning in St Marys and had emailed them to see if they wanted to meet me in town afterwards to have lunch and do some shopping. They wanted to go to Dubois which works actually even better. I can look for a new outfit for the Christmas party and still do some Christmas shopping. I am hoping to find one of the two things that I want for John today and may find both of them with any luck.
Our weather has just been superb. It could not possibly get any better than this for November. And so late in November. We have had sunny skies and high 50's for a week or so now. Hopefully it will make winter go quickly.
Our Christmas tree is still undecorated, was planning on doing that today, but not with shopping. Hopefully maybe tonight if I'm home in time.
This blog is about the happenings in my life and those around me. It will contain information about fitness, health, web sites I enjoy, Relay for Life and other things of interest and importance to me. Please feel free to leave me a note in the guestbook or a comment on the page you are reading.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Window box

Ok, here is the picture of the fireplace windowbox in the living room. Not to sure I like it as much this year as last, but I used all the same stuff just arranged a bit differently I guess. Still it looks nice and its done. I still need to get the tree done and the downstairs done. Did accomplish alot today though.
All of that decorating and did get in 72 minutes of cardio exercise. Need to change the ticker for that tonight. Proably should take time and change the step one too.

Well, these pictures show both sides of the fireplace and the decorations. Unfortunately it doesn't show up well with the Christmas lights on. Anyways, I did manage to get alot of the decorating done today while John was at camp. The tree still doesn't have any decorations on it, but am hoping by Wed that will be done too. I need to quit for the night, I need to go get some exercise in. Not to sure if its going to be the treadmill or a watp video, but at any rate its going to be some kind of cardio.

Well, its hunting season and the guys have been at camp since Friday afternoon sometime. John went down while I was at work. I had an email from my mom yesterday telling me that they stopped up to visit her and dad a bit, so am glad that they took the time to do that. I know John had been hoping to do that.
I've got big plans for today while they are gone and I am off. I'm going down and getting an hour of exercise in first thing, and then going to get some decorating done. John brought the tree up last week and I want it done. Also planning on doing up the window box on the fireplace with the Christmas flowers. May post some pics later of it.
Make it a great day everyone!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Flying Squirrel
Last night around 10 our motion lights came on. I looked out to see 3 deer in our back yard. While watching them I noticed my tubular bird feeder swinging back and forth and while watching it realised there was some kind of night creature there. I was actually quite fascinated with it and it took me a while to realise it was a flying squirrel. I actually looked it up on the internet to find it, and yep, thats what it is. They move quite quickly and are nocturnal creatures. John is at camp so hasn't yet seen it or even aware that we have them around here. They are actually quite ugly from what I could see.
Remember to scroll down to the bottom of the page and sign the guest book please. Thank you.
Remember to scroll down to the bottom of the page and sign the guest book please. Thank you.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Changed the counter
Well, I changed the visitor counter tonight on here. My eyes could not see the little numbers very well, so I made us a bigger counter. Also added my brother Eddie's website to the links. He runs a charter service out of lake Erie and this shows his boat and some of the fish his charters have caught.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Thanksgiving Day Poem
I received this via email this morning and wanted to share it with everyone. I am not sure who wrote it so do not know who to give credit to, I thought it was very appropriate for the day. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. " 'Twas The Night Of Thanksgiving, I Just Couldn't Sleep...I Tried Counting Backwards, I Tried Counting Sheep. The Leftovers Beckoned - The Dark Meat And White, But I Fought The Temptation With All Of My Might. Tossing And Turning With Anticipation, The Thought Of A Snack Became Infatuation. So, I Raced To The Kitchen, Flung Open The Door And Gazed At The Fridge, Full Of Goodies Galore. I Gobbled Up Turkey And Buttered Potatoes, Pickles And Carrots, Beans And Tomatoes. I Felt Myself Swelling So Plump And So Round, 'til All Of A Sudden, I Rose Off The Ground. I Crashed Through The Ceiling, Floating Into The Sky, With A Mouthful Of Pudding And A Handful Of Pie. But, I Managed To Yell As I Soared Past The Trees..Happy Eating To All -- Pass The Cranberries, Please. May Your Stuffing Be Tasty, May Your Turkey Be Plump. May Your Potatoes 'n Gravy Have Nary A Lump, May Your Yams Be Delicious May Your Pies Take The Prize, May Your Thanksgiving Dinner Stay Off Of Your Thighs. May Your Thanksgiving Be Blessed!!!"
Happy Thanksgiving
Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us everyday.- (Sally Koch) You can impact more people than you'll ever knowToo many people sit on the sidelines of life waiting for that one great opportunity or the chance of a lifetime. We seldom realize that while we are waiting, we are missing the small opportunities to make a difference that surround us in our everyday lives. For example, you could pick up the litter on a street that you travel often, help someone carry her groceries to her car, or offer to help a child read a book. Of course, this list could go on and on. Your small action could make all the difference in the world to someone and you may never know it. Don't sit around and wait for the BIG CHANCE because you never of those small opportunities might turn into the next chance of a lifetime.
I read this quote this morning on sparkpeople, one of my favorite sites and thought it was a good one to post on Thanksgiving Day! Make it a good day!
I read this quote this morning on sparkpeople, one of my favorite sites and thought it was a good one to post on Thanksgiving Day! Make it a good day!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Thanksgiving Eve

A strange Thanksgiving Eve here in Pa. The temperatures today were up in the 50's and supposed to be tomorrow too.
I remember Thanksgivings when we ended up pushing through the snow with the bumper on the car to get to my mom and dad's. Not this year.
I could probably have the top down on the little red convertible. Chances are if I was a few years younger I would have.
Happy thanksgiving everyone! I miss you Howie and Michelle!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Me At Three

Wasn't I just such an adorable three year old? John and I are doing a picture wall in the basement and we have been going through pictures. This was one of me that we came across. I believe its the only one of me that I have from when I was young. However, I am going to go through pictures at my mom and dad's on Thanksgiving Day when I'm there so its anyones guess what may be posted on here after that. Lookout sis..I have one of you in mind that I'm hoping to find at mom's house.
I am just having such a good time with doing some different things on this blog. You will note I am sure that I now have a map of the United States posted with the steps I walk daily. Plus tickers of the exercise and steps done. These will only be updated on days off because it takes a while to do it.
I cannot believe how much of a health kick I have been on ever since being so sick in 2005. Since quitting smoking though it has made quite a difference. I actually enjoy all the exercise, the eating healthy, the green tea and the 8 glasses of water a day. I just wish I would have learned all this earlier.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Work, work, work
What a nutsy day today was. It seems that everyone always comes in together. It can be totally quiet with not a customer in sight and then that darn door dinger goes nonstop and we are all doubled up with people.
I am really looking forward to getting tomorrow in and having Sunday off.
I am really looking forward to getting tomorrow in and having Sunday off.
Good News
Okay, Howie will be okay after a few days of antibiotics. These bacterial infections seem to be really wide spread anymore. thank God that it was nothing more serious however.
I have added another ticker to the blog, tracking my step goal for the month. Will update both of these on Sunday and Wednesday when I'm off. Am sure to be well below my goal for the month being as we are already half way through it, but then can start fresh in December.
Enjoy the day everyone
I have added another ticker to the blog, tracking my step goal for the month. Will update both of these on Sunday and Wednesday when I'm off. Am sure to be well below my goal for the month being as we are already half way through it, but then can start fresh in December.
Enjoy the day everyone
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Keeping busy
I'm keeping myself busy tonight playing on the computer. I am waiting for a phone call from my son in Las Vegas and cannot sleep until I know that everything is okay or at least that it will be. I have added pictures of the kids to the blog and have posted a ticker counter across the bottom. This ticker will count my exercise minutes per month and adds some color to the blog. I've also added the picture of our house to the bottom of the pages. I will update the ticker as the month goes on although probably not on a daily basis. More than likely on days off.
Christmas Lights
John got the Christmas Lights up yesterday while we were both off. I'm sure it was much nicer for him doing it in 40 degree weather rather than freezing cold. I'll have to get pictures of it lit up and posted. Yesterday also he cleaned out both blue bird houses and moved the unused one onto a post for us. Hopefully this year we will have bluebird families in both. I used the day to do some inside cleaning, the hutch for example was driving me nuts. It seems that since moving in here and then being so sick that alot of this stuff has never gotten done. Now with the holidays coming I want it done.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Shopping Day

A day off work,and mom, Cher and I are taking off for Pittsburgh and the mall. It seems its been a long time since the 3 of us have had the opportunity to do this and we have been wanting to get back down to that mall for quite a while. We stopped there once in March on my way to the doctors. So today is the day.
I do wish Michelle was here to go with us. How she loved those shopping trips with all of us. I love and miss you dolly. John took this picture with the new camera from camp one day last week. I thought it was beautiful
Wonder what kind of step count we'll end this day with. I'd do better if i'd get off the computer and get moving.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Our neighbor Hazel

This was taken on Hazels moving day about a month ago. I thought she may get a chuckle out of seeing it. I was waiting to post it to make sure she had the internet hooked up. If you look closely you can see the guys standing in her garage. I took this picture through our living room window, I didn't want them to see me taking their picture.
It's weird here without Hazel being across the street. She was the first neighbor we met when we moved here. Actually John met her first because she snuck across the street to meet him while I was at work...LOL, I think she spent the next year and a half apologising to me for it. We got some good laughs out of it though. We had gotten in the habit of checking up on each other from time to time and I always looked to make sure her living room blinds were open in the morning. The new neighbors sometimes leave them closed till around 8 and it throws me everytime, it just doesn't seem right.
I heard from Hazel recently and learned she broke her toe within an hour or so of moving into the new house. What a way to start out in a new town. We miss you Hazel, and know that every morning when I open my blinds I'm thinking of you and wishing you well.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
My dad

This is my dad. He's amazing and he's nuts. Amazing because he has twice the energy of men half his age. He's like the energizer bunny, he just keeps going and going. Nuts because he gets up at 4 in the morning, drives to New York to go hunting. This man actually makes more work for himself. But, he's my dad and I guess we'll keep him. Oh, and one other thing...when he wants to go somewhere he wants to go and he wants to go now..and heaven help mom if she's not quite ready. Love you dad! And mom too!
Oh, and the deer is from New York archery season and is an 8 point and sure to be mounted
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Another Sale Day
Well, we did another direct mail but this one isn't going as well. Not as busy and we actually got to leave at 5 instead of staying to 6 or 7. I did however have a few sales and think I'm about $4000 for the day. last month was my best month ever since I've been there. Had over 72,000 so that made me feel much better about the entire thing.
I sure wish my anonymous sister would post her name when she leaves me comments. Just so that I would know for sure it was her.
I had 15620 steps for today sis.
I sure wish my anonymous sister would post her name when she leaves me comments. Just so that I would know for sure it was her.
I had 15620 steps for today sis.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Working Hard
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